Coal proximate Analysis
- Introduction of Coal
- Composition of Coal
- Uses of Coal in Power Plant
- Important Coal Analysis
- Effect of Improper Analysis
- Type Of Coal Analysis
- Coal Proximate Analysis
- Different Coal Analysis Report
1.) Introduction of Coal:-
- Coal is a combusible black or brownish sedimentory rock usually occurring in rock in layers called coal beds.
- Coal is composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulpher, oxygen, and nitrogen
- Type of Coal:-
- Lignite
- Bituminous
- Anthracite
3.) Uses of coal – Power Plant
- Used for boiler water heating and generates steam in power plant for power generation.
- When coal is used for electricity generation, it is usually pulverized and then combusted (burned) in a furnace with a boiler. The furnace heat converts boiler water to steam, and generate power.
4.) Important of Coal Testing
- Coal is a highly heterogeneous substance in terms of the inorganic and organic. An estimation of the true value of the desired parameters of a bulk material
- The basic purpose of collecting and preparing a sample of coal is to provide a test results of representative of the lot sampled.
- Definite number of increments distributed throughout the whole volume of coal And prepare gross sample
- Samples may be required for technical evaluation, process control, quality control and commercial transactions.
- For quality assessment of coals from new sources, samples are to be drawn from coal seams,
- To check the quality of coal for boiler , To collect the sample from Grizzly hoper for GCV calculation.
- The sampling procedure will depend mainly on the nature of sample collection as from moving belt or from stationary lots like wagons, stockpiles
5.) Effect of improper sampling
- Impact on cost
- Showing wrong test result
- Delay in making correct decision
- Uneven process problem
- Supply delay from party side
6.) Sampling of Coal (IS:436 – 1964, Part -1)
- Coal sample collection can be carried out by difference location as below
1) Wagon (Railway)
2) Coal Yard / Stock Pile
3) Conveyer Belt
- Sample collection to be done by mechanical uses, No in manual
- At the time of sampling, all accessories and chemist are present for proper and correct sample collection
- Sampling Scoop must be available at the time of sampling
A.) Sampling From Wagon (Coal Rack)
- About 7 kg of coal sample is drawn from each wagon from upper, middle and bottom layer by digging or the time of loading and unloading.
- Sub lot sample are made for each 5 wagons by mixing of 7 kg sample form each wagon (35 kg approx).
- Each sub lot sample separately crushed in jaw crusher to reduce the size below 10 mm and mix. Reduce the sample qty by quartering and coning up to 2 kg each.
- Mix each sub lot sample (2 kg x12) and get 25 kg of coal sample for lab.
- Finally 25 kg sample reduced by quartering and conning for final sample of 4 Kg (size – 10 to 12.5 mm).
Wagon Sample Collector (Sampler)
B.) Sampling from Coal Yard (Stock Pile)
- The quantity of coal in stock pile shall be divided into suitable number of sub lot (Refer Table – 1)
- Surface of each lot shall be leveled and one point for approx 250 MT for each sub lot
- Height of stock pile is below1.5 M then digging required 50 cm diameter if more then digging 1.5 meter for sampling
- Each sub lot crushed by jaw crusher and get final sample up to 4 Kg (As per above procedure) size are 10 or 12.5 mm
- Weight of gross sample to be taken
C.) Sampling From Conveyer Belt ( As per IS:436-1964 , Part-1)
- Insert the scoop on stopped conveyor belt (Must stop the belt for proper sampling over the cross area).
- Brush or broom to aid for removing fine particle from belt
- Obtain at least three increment for each belt for correct sampling to minimized error.
- Required accessories as polyphone bags and tags available.
- Safety equipment such as Helmet, hand gloves and eye glasses , and dust mask should be wear by sample collector.
- For number of sub lot taken (Refer Table-1)
- Wt of gross sample and number of increment taken from conveyor, Refer table -3
- After appropriate gross sample collection (see above) and reduce by quartering & coning methods
- Finally prepare 4 kg sample (10 mm size) for lab analysis
Online Sampler (Conveyor Belt)
7.) Coal Sample Preparation
(1) Run Of Mines Coal (0 to 230 mm) IS :436 – 1964:-
- 4 Kg coal (12.5 mm) sample drawn in laboratory (Above)
- To reduce the sample up 3.35 mm by palmac type reduction mill .
- The crush material shall be reduce by quartering and conning methods till 2 kg obtains
- Crush the sample by pulverize (Mill type) and shall final all sample ground to pass 212 micron IS sieve from the ground pass material , 1.5 kg sample to be taken for laboratory sample
- Each laboratory sample shall be divided into three equal part (Supplier, Testing and Reference)
- Sample kept in Polyethylene bags with sealed
(2) Large Coal (5 to 150 mm) IS 436 -1964, Part-1 :-
- 4 Kg coal (12.5 mm) sample drawn in laboratory and follow the procedure same above for laboratory sample
- Each laboratory (212 Micron size) sample (1.5 Kg) shall divided into three part for Supplier, Lab and Reference sample
(3) Small coal (0 to 50 mm) IS: 436 – 1964, Part – 1:-
- 4 Kg coal (12.5 mm) sample drawn in laboratory and follow the procedure same above for laboratory sample
- Each laboratory (212 Micron size) sample (1.5 Kg) shall divided into three part for Supplier, Lab and Reference sample
Pulverizer Coal Mill (Aimil)