7 March 2025

Energy Units | 1

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Energy Units


1 kWh = 3.6 MJ = 859.8 kcalIT = 0.09297 Lcoe = 0.08598 kgoe = 3412 Bt

1 MJ = 0.2778 kWh = 238.8 kcalIT = 947.8 Btu

1 kcalIT = 4.187 kJ = 0.001163 kWh = 3.968 Btu

Kiloliter of crude oil equivalent

1 kLcoe = 1000 Lcoe = 38.72 GJ = 10756 kWh = 0.9248 toe

ton of oil equivalent

1 toe = 1000 kgoe = 41.87 GJ = 11630 kWh = 1.081 kLcoe

where SI prefixes

k (kilo) : 103 ,   M (mega) : 106 ,   G (giga) : 109 , 

T (tera) : 1012 ,  P (peta) :   1015 ,  E (exa) :  1018

Brief conversion

Oil   (assuming that specific gravity is 0.8 )

1 kLoe = 0.8 toe = 8 x 106 kcal = 33.5 GJ = 6.29 bbloe = 220 galoe  —barrel —gallon


1 kgcoal = 7000 kcal = 29.3 MJ


1 tLNG = 1.4 kLLNG = 13.3 Gcal = 55.67 GJ

Electric power

1 kWh (fromThermal power plant, h =0.4 ) = 2150 kcal

Electric power of 1 kWh = 860 kcal

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