30 March 2025

Cold Start up | Cold Start up Check List | Applicable when HP shaft temperature is less than 250oc

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Cold Start up

Cold Start up Check List

Applicable when HP shaft temperature is less than 250oc

           1 Ensure 6.6KV, 415V, 220V DC, UPS & emergency power supply are available & buses are charged.
           2 Reset under voltage relays on 6.6 kV bus, BTS panel & 415V buses.
           3 Ensure islanding switch is in “OUT” condition (if this unit is selected for islanding)
           4 Ensure all soot blowers are in retracted condition.
           5 Ensure air compressor is running, instrument air & service air systems are charged and backup N2 system is charged.
           6 Shift LPG, H2 & CO2 cylinders (min. 5 LPG, 50 H2 & 20 CO2 cyl.)
           7 Ensure coal-handling system is ready & coal is filled in the bunkers
           8 Ensure ash-handling system is ready.
           9 Ensure fire system is ready & pumps are in auto. Jackey pump is running.
          10 Ensure  all PTW related to corex system returned & Start N2 purging  for corex system as per procedures and check for O2 percentage at both C headers and before trip valve
          11 If O2 before FGTV is less than 0.5 %,open the unit goggle valve after equalizing the pressure before & after the goggle valve.
          12 Boiler drum filling (If drained)
(a)   Ensure DMST levels are normal (> 3.5 mt.).
(b)   Ensure PTWs related to boiler water / steam touched parts up to MS stop valves & boiler filling system are returned.
(c)   Ensure steam / water sampling system is lined up & charged.
(d)   Open Boiler SH, RH, ECO vents & start up vents.
(e)   Open ECO recirculation valve (E-20).
(f)    Open low point header drains. Close the main isolation valve to IBD tank. Close SH filling line also.
(g)   Open SH drains at 22 Mt.
(h)   Ensure DM – 34 of both units are closed.
(i)     Open the chemical dosing valve to boiler filling line. Line up Amine skid to boiler, for chemical dozing. Ensure m/u water to dosing system
(j)     Line up and start Boiler fill pump. Start Amine skid pump(s).
(k)   Fill drum level upto (-) 100mm.
(l)     Close the low point drain header drains (both isolation valves).
          13 Raise fore bay level up to + 100mm.
          14 Starting CW & ACW system
(a)   Ensure PTWs related to CW & ACW system are closed.
(b)   Ensure forebay level is above normal (+100mm)
(c)   Line up CW system. Open condenser water box vents & air vents on CW supply line.
(d)   Ensure that CW hot tunnel & cold tunnel is filled through ACW return lines of adjacent unit (when water falls down to CT basin through risers)
(e)   Start CW pump & close the vents after venting.
(f)    Ensure standby CW & ACW pumps are available.
(g)   Open supply valve to ACW suction header (from this unit).
(h)   Charge ACW system slowly, by opening the unit supply valve.
          15 After ensuring that no PTWs are pending on boiler bottom hopper & DCC, start filling the DCC using CW blow down pump.
          16 (a)   Ensure PTWs related to feed water system & Deaerator are closed.
(b)   Start Deaerator filling using Boiler fill pump.
(c)   Line up BFPs & feed water line. [At least one BFP suction & discharge valves and HP heaters I/L, O/L & bypass valves should be kept open].
(d)   Keep feed control station valves in open condition and vent through eco. inlet vent.
          17 Ensure PTWs related to condenser & hot well makeup systems are closed.
Fill hotwell using DM makeup pump, up to + 100mm.
          18 Starting of LFO & HFO system
(a)   Ensure PTWs related to LFO & HFO system are closed.
(b)   Line up and start LFO transfer pump with 12ksc set point for the recirculation valve.
(c)   Switch on HFO heat tracing at P&H area and at boiler 18mt.
(d)   Line up and start HFO transfer pump. Keep pump recirculation pressure control valve in auto (SP 12ksc).
(e)   Line up & charge one HFO heater from oil as well as steam side (Temp. set point shall be kept as 1100C).
(f)    Open HO – 48 & keep HFO system in short recirculation.
(g)   Ensure standby LFO & HFO transfer pumps are available.
(h)   Line up LPG system & maintain header pressure of 3 ksc.
          19 Starting of flue gas & air system
(a)   Ensure PTWs related to APH, ESP, Flue gas, Secondary air & main boiler are closed. Ensure that manholes & peepholes are closed.
(b)   Ensure DCC has been filled & Seal established.
(c)   Line up and start both air pre-heater. Check operation of air motors once.
(d)   Line up secondary air system, flue gas path, and ID & FD fans.
(e)   Line up ESP fields & rapping systems.
(f)    Ensure all stand by LOPs of ID, FD & APH are in standby.
(g)   Start AC scanner air fan after ensuring that emergency air damper is open
(h)   Start one stream of ID & FD fans. Put furnace pressure control in auto (SP -10mmwc)..
(i)     Start Ignitor fan & put damper control in auto (SP 85mmwc)
          20 Purge & Light up
(a)   Ensure that all I&C permits related BMS are returned. Switch ON the power supply for flame scanners.
(b)   Ensure >190 t/hr airflow and Purge the boiler.
(c)   Open IGTV & LOTV and ensure that ignitor pr. after IGTV >0.8 ksc, LFO pr. after trip LOTV >8ksc & atomizing air pr. > 6 ksc.
(d)   Keep the ESP rapping motors ON. Ensure that ESP fields are not charged.
(e)   Ensure MS – 1, 2, 3 & 4are closed.
(f)    Light up boiler with 2 LFO guns at AX1.
          21 Start atleast 4 CT fans
          22 Open HFO return trip valve & HOTV and keep in long recirculation. Close the short recirculation valve (HO 48).
          23 Start H2 /CO2 filling

( refer Gen. Gas purging/ filling procedure OP/DC/20/XX)

          24 Starting of Seal, Lube & Lift oil system
(a)   Ensure PTWs related to turbine & their oil systems are returned.
(b)   Ensure MOT & SOT levels are normal. [If SOT is empty, fill up the system by running lub oil system]
(c)   Start OVEF & Generator brg. Exhaust fan. Keep standby fans in auto.
(d)   Line up seal oil system [Ensure that SOST to SOT valve is open and seal oil pump disc. to MOT is closed].
(e)   Start seal oil pump and keep other pumps in auto. Start SO vacuum pump.
(f)    Line up lube oil system and start lube oil pump and ensure other pumps availability & are in auto. Keep lube oil cooler ACW O/L valve closed to maintain 450C oil temp.
(g)   Start lift oil pump and put turbine on barring gear.
          25 (a)   Ensure PTWs related to condensate system are returned.
(b)   Line up CEP & condensate line, through LP heaters.
          26 At drum pressure 2 ksc, Close drum, SH, RH & ECO air vents. Start phosphate dozing pump at 2ksc-drum pressure. Open CBD around 30%& bypass to IBD tank
          27 Start CEP in recirculation.
(a)   Ensure valve gland-sealing header is charged & establish sealing for suction valve of both CEPs.
(b)   Keep pump discharge valves close and dearator level control valve in closed condition & LPH-1 &2 I/L & O/L valves are open & bypass is open .
(c)   Ensure CEP header vent, recirculation valve are open & in auto.
(d)   Ensure PRDS spray valves are closed.
(e)   Ensure turbine exhaust hood spray valve in auto.
(f)    Start the CEP and keep the other CEP in standby.
          28 Start BFP in recirculation.
(a)   Start lube oil pump & keep in auto.
(b)   Keep BFP discharge valve closed and start booster pump.
(c)   Ensure min. scoop, R/C valve full open and start BFP. Ensure that LOP stops when lube oil pr is >2.8ksc.
(d)   Close warm-up manual isolation valve.
(e)   Keep another BFP in standby with warm up valve open.
          29 (a)   At drum pressure 5 ksc; Close SH header drains and throttle start up vents to 15%.
(b)   Give blow down from low point header drains around 3 times & collect the sample.
          30 (a)   Ensure PTWs related to control oil HSU are closed.
(b)   Line up Control oil system and start pump.
(c)   Line up & start control oil-circulating pump.
          31 (a)   Ensure PTWs related to HP bypass HSU are closed.
(b)   Line up and start HPBP oil pump
          32 Charge PRDS
(a)   Ensure PTWs related to PRDS, MS lines, GS are returned.
(b)   Ensure Deaerator pegging from APRDS is closed.
(c)   Ensure PRDS drains are open.
(d)   Ensure PRDS sprays MIVs are open.
(e)   If external steam is available,
(f)    Slowly open AS-34 to charge unit header from station header
(g)   Maintain PRDS temperature.
If external steam is not available,( follow after MS line charging)
(a)   Ensure AS-34 inter connection to other unit APRDS is closed.
(b)   Open MOVs AS-31 &AS-21& their MIVs
(c)   Charge slowly APRDS low capacity Line by opening the CV.
(d)   Put PRDS pressure & temperature controls in auto with SP -9 ksc.
          33 Vacuum pulling
(a)   Ensure PTWs related to vacuum system are returned.
(b)   Ensure turbine on barring gear.
(c)   Ensure hotwell level is normal & CEP is running
(d)   Ensure for valve sealing (LPH-1 normal & emerg. Drain valve, LPH-2 emergency drain valve, LPH-3 emerg. drain valve, vacuum pump suction valves)
(e)   Close Vacuum breaker valve, keep in auto  & establish water seal.
(f)    Ensure RH vents & EX-12 are closed.
(g)   Switch ‘ON’ GSC Ex. Fan.
(h)   Line up & Start Vacuum pumps.
          34 Gland steam header charging
(a)   Open Gland steam header drain to atmosphere & also open   MAL 81.
(c)   Open partially GS header inlet MIV (full open, If charged from the same unit).
(d)   Open AS-9 fully & its MIV partially (full open, If charged from the same unit).
(e)   Charge gland seal when vacuum is >- 0.3 ksc.
(f)    Control temperature at GS inlet as per curve by throttling AS-9 MIV (if steam is taken from adjacent unit).
(g)   Open GS drain to condenser when vacuum is greater than-0.4 ksc, close atmospheric drain.
(h)   Close CRH pot drain to atoms. & Open CRH-101& keep MAL-81 in auto.
          35 MS line Charging at drum pressure 10 ksc
(a)   Ensure PTWs on turbine stop valves, MS, CRH, HRH& HP/LP & PRDS (if PRDS is charged from same unit) are returned.
(b)   Open MS-101 & MS-102 & it’s before MIVs.
(c)   Open MS strainer drains (MS-105, 106 and before & after MIVs).
(d)   Open drain before APRDS (AS-116).
(e)   Ensure APRDS isolation valves closed.
(f)    Ensure HP bypass is closed.
(g)   Open MIVs of MS-3 & MS-4.
(h)   Charge line by Slowly opening MS-3 & MS-4.
(i)     Close MS-101 & MS-102 & it’s before MIVs.
(j)     Open boiler stop valves MS 1&2 when upstream and downstream pressures are equal.
(k)   Close AS-116.
(l)     Close MS-3, MS-4 & their MIVs.
          36 Ensure CBD is diverted to IBD tank.
          37 Charge Deaerator pegging slowly from PRDS.
          38 Close Economiser recirculation E-20 valve When feedwater flow is continuous. (may be made auto on feed flow)
          39 Keep Deaerator & hotwell level controls in auto.
          40 HP-LP bypass charging
(a)   Ensure HRH strainer drain (HRH 101,102 & their MIV) are open.
(b)   Ensure CRH drain (CRH 127 & CRH 101) & their MIVs are open.
(c)   Ensure HRH 113, 114, 103, 104 & their MIVs are open.
(d)   Ensure CRH pot drain to atmosphere & RH vent is closed.
(e)   Ensure that all MAL drains are open in auto.
(f)    Ensure condenser vacuum is > – 0.9 ksc.
(g)   Open LPBP spray valve around 40%.
(h)   Trip reset LPBP trip.
(i)     Open LPBP valve 5%.
(j)     Open HP bypass slowly (around 3%)
(k)   Open HPBP spray MIV (after watching the raising trend in temp).
(l)     Close start up vents.
(m) Put HP-LP bypass in auto & keep set point 35 ksc & 8 ksc respectively
(n)   Prove second stream of fans.
          41 Do APH soot blowing through SCAPH line.
          42 If corex clearance is available,

(a)     Ensure corex N2 purging is in progress & O­2 in corex sample through vent less than 0.5%.

Take one pair of BC guns and change over AX1 to HFO
          43 Ensure that boiler water temp. rise is within 110°c/hr
          44 Refer Rolling & Synchronization check list OP/F/11/XX)
          45 Put drum level controls in auto.
          46 (a)   Line up Primary air system & start one PA fan.
(b)   Ensure seal air fan starts in auto on starting of PA fan
          47 Give Deaerator pegging from CRH.
          48 Ensure SH & RH sprays MIVs are open.
          49 Charge gen. H2 cooler & lube oil cooler.
          50 Start remaining CT fans.
          51 Ensure SADC are in auto.
          52 If corex is available ,take one pair in X1 elevation otherwise
Line up Mill & Start Mill-A.
Charge ESP fields at minimum.
Cut in feeder-A & put temp and airflow control in auto.
          53 Close HP bypass and put auto/manual station in auto
          54 Close MS, HRH & CRH drain. Keep CRH pot drain CRH-101 in auto & HRH-103 &104 bypass MIV partially open.
          55 Keep the all the turbine drain MAL-11,12,15,16,26,27,31,32 valves (close MIV ‘s if passing) & MAL 81,65 closed & in auto. SLC ON
          56 Increase the load by watching MS-HRH Vs Casing temp. curve
          57 If corex is taken, cut-in second pair in X1 elevation.
          58 Line up & start second stream of ID, FD & PA fans.
          59 Ensure all standby LOPs of ID, FD & PA are in standby.
          60 Match the currents of FD & ID fans & put ampere bias control in auto. Also keep ID fan draft control in auto (-10mm).
          61 Ensure LPH-1 & 2 are charged & level controls  & waterside valves in auto.
          62 Charge LPH 3 at 25 MW.
(a)   Ensure PTW related to LPH-3 is returned.
(b)   Ensure heater is charged from waterside (I/L & O/L valves are open & bypass valve is closed).
(c)   Extraction line drains (EX-125, MAL-54 &126) are open.
(d)   Ensure operating vent is open & shell vent to atmosphere is close
(e)   Open emergency drain & close normal drain.
(f)    Open slowly EX-9 by seeing the heater level & shell pressure.
(g)   After fully opening EX-9 & put it in auto & close EX-125, MAL-54 & 126 & put them in auto.
(h)   Put normal & emergency drains valves in auto (SP-0 & 20 mmwc).
          63 Start second BFP at 25 MW & ensure third BFP in standby mode.
          64 At 25MW changeover UAT from station.
          65 Put MS temperature controls on auto.
          66 Charge Deaerator from CRH.
          67 If corex is taken, cut-in one pair in X2 elevation, otherwise
Start second PA fan.
(a)   Ensure fan discharge damper is closed.
(b)   Raise scoop & damper to 30-35%
(c)   Match discharge pressure with running fan discharge pressure.
(d)   Open discharge damper.
(e)   Equally load the fans & put PA header pressure & ampere bias controls in auto.
Start mill-B & Cut in feeder-B. Put temp and airflow control in auto.
Ensure DCC is running.
          68 Line up & Charge HPH – 5 at 50 MW
(a)   Ensure PTW related to HPH-5 are closed.
(b)   Ensure heater is charged from waterside (I/L &O/L valves are open & bypass valve is closed).
(c)   Open extraction line drains (EX-104, MAL-47 & 106) & ensure operating vent is open &  atmosphere vent is close.
(d)   Open fully emergency drain control valve & Keep normal drain control valve in close condition.
(e)   Open slowly block valve EX-11 by seeing the level & shell pressure.
(f)    After fully opening the EX-11 & put in auto & also close drains & keep in auto.
(g)   Put HP heater -5 level (normal & emergency) controls in auto. (SP-0 & 20 mm resp.)
(h)   Ensure heater waterside I/L, O/L  & bypass valves are in auto.
          69 Line up & Charge HPH 6 at 60 MW.
(a)   Ensure PTW related to HPH-6 are closed.
(b)   Ensure heater is charged from waterside (I/L &O/L valves are open & bypass valve is closed).
(c)   Open EX-128 & its MIV (drain before EX-12) & open operating vent  & close atmosphere vent.
(d)   Open emergency drain control valve.
(e)   Ensure control valves of normal & alternate drains are close.
(f)    Open slowly EX-12 from local by seeing the heater level & shell pressure.
(g)   After fully opening the EX-12, put it in remote. Close EX-128 & put in auto.
(h)   Put HP heater -6 level (normal, alternate & emergency) controls, EX-128  in auto. (SP-0, 20& 40 mm resp.).
(i)     Ensure heater waterside I/L, O/L  & bypass valves are in auto.
          70 Deaerator charging from Extraction-4 at 80MW
(a)   Open drain traps & its bypass valves before & after EX-4 NRV ‘s & ensure MAL-51 is open
(b)   Slowly Open EX-10 from DCS.
(c)   After matching upstream & down stream pressure, fully open EX-10 & keep in auto & also close its bypass of traps of the drains. Dea. Pressure operator SP – 3ksc
          71 If corex is taken, Cut-in second pair of X2 elevation.
          72 Stop second vacuum pump , select the running pump & keep in auto
          73 Ensure SH temperature Controls in auto.
          74 Ensure HP turbine exhaust temperature is < 365 oC.
          75 If corex is taken, Cut-in one pair of X3 elevation otherwise

(a)     Start mill-C & cut in feeder-C

(b)     Cut in feeder-C & put temp and airflow control in auto.
(c)     Ensure feeder A & B >50% & scanner intensity > 50
(d)     Remove oil in BC elevation. (If only coal in service).
          76 Raise the load as per TSE margins available to 120 MW.
          77 Keep MS temperature control SP as 537 oC.
          78 If corex is taken, Cut-in second pair of X3 elevation.
          79 Put islanding switch in “IN”, if load is more than JVSL complex load. (if applicable)
          80 Gradually raise the  load to 130MW based on drum water silica
          81 Ensure CBD tank is taken into service based on silica.
          82 Ensure ESP fields are in maximum if full coal firing otherwise 1st & 5th fields.
          83 Ensure H2 pressure > 2.8 ksc & purity > 98%.
          84 Put unit in CMC after matching the parameters. CMC Ref. of load should track actual load

4 thoughts on “Cold Start up | Cold Start up Check List | Applicable when HP shaft temperature is less than 250oc

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